Systematic Literature Review pada area Smart City untuk Umum

Lab Riset Sistem Komputer dan Jaringan DIKE FMIPA UGM Mengadakan Workshop Webinar Sistematic Literature Review di Area Smart City

Yogyakarta, 15 Mei 2024 – Lab Riset Sistem Komputer dan Jaringan, Departemen Ilmu Komputer dan Elektronika (DIKE), Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) mengadakan workshop webinar bertema “Systematic Literature Review pada Area Smart City”. Acara ini diadakan secara hibrida, yaitu di kampus UGM dan melalui platform online, serta diikuti oleh peserta dari kalangan masyarakat umum dan peneliti dari berbagai instansi. read more

Webinar “Systematic Literature Review pada area Smart City untuk Umum”


Smart city mengumpulkan data dari berbagai sumber dan format yang berbeda, seperti sensor, sistem transportasi, dan administrasi pemerintahan. Tantangan utama adalah mengintegrasikan data ini menjadi satu platform yang terpadu dan dapat diakses dengan mudah. Setiap bagian dari smart city mungkin menggunakan teknologi dan platform yang berbeda, yang dapat menyulitkan dalam mengintegrasikan dan memanfaatkan data dengan efektif. Keselarasan infrastruktur teknologi menjadi penting untuk memastikan interoperabilitas dan kerja sama antar sistem. Dengan pengumpulan dan pertukaran data yang intensif dalam smart city, keamanan dan privasi data menjadi masalah yang sangat penting. Perlindungan terhadap data pribadi dan sensitif, serta mencegah serangan siber dan pelanggaran keamanan data, merupakan tantangan yang harus diatasi.  read more

Live (recording): Seminar Nasional Smart City Outlook 2023: Big Data

Live recording:

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g. Materi 7

Big Data and Blockchain

Bambang Nurcahyo Prastowo, the esteemed Head of the Blockchain Team at RISTEK DIKTI, sheds light on the challenges and potential of integrating Big Data and Blockchain technologies to create smart cities. His insightful analysis of these technologies, amidst challenges and problems, is aimed at achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, the convergence of Big Data and Blockchain holds immense promise for creating smart cities that utilize technology to enhance the quality of life for their residents. Prastowo acknowledges the potential of these technologies in revolutionizing urban development, addressing urban challenges, and promoting sustainability. read more

Securing Big Data for Smart City

Seto Wijaya, the esteemed Chief Executive Officer of Fourtrezz Indonesia, is leading an innovative initiative that focuses on securing Big Data for smart city applications. His pioneering work is not only aligned with technological advancements but also resonates with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly emphasizing SDG 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.

In an era where data drives decisions and developments, Wijaya’s research and initiatives are centered around ensuring the security and privacy of Big Data in the context of smart cities. By enhancing data protection measures and cybersecurity protocols, he aims to facilitate the integration of Big Data seamlessly, empowering cities to make informed, secure, and sustainable decisions. read more